What You Need To Know About Gingival Flap Surgery

Has your periodontist recommended that you have gingival flap surgery? This gum procedure is often used to treat gum disease, and it is most commonly recommended if you are experiencing either moderate or advanced forms of periodontitis.

If your dentist recommends this surgery, he or she has likely tried less invasive methods of treating the disease with minimal success, and gingival flap surgery may be pursued in order to eliminate the infection.

How Should You Prepare For Your Surgery?

Much of the preparation for your gingival flap surgery will be done by your dental hygienist. She will remove all of the tartar and plaque from around your teeth and will ensure that your teeth are as clean as possible. Your dental team will also evaluate your health, and medical history in order to ensure that you are a good candidate for surgery.

What Happens During The Procedure?

Before your procedure, your gums will be numbed, and then your periodontist will use a scalpel to remove the gums from the teeth by lifting them back to form a flap. This gives your dentist direct access to the bone that supports the teeth along with the tooth roots. Once access has been granted, inflamed tissue can be removed.

Next, a root scaling and planing procedure will be done to clean out the tartar and plaque. If bone defects are discovered, they will be eliminated via osseous recontouring.

Lastly, the gums will be stitched back into place. In some cases, the stitches will dissolve on their own, but in other circumstances they will need to be removed at a follow up appointment.

You may experience some discomfort after your procedure, and some swelling might be present. However, the end result should be healthier gums, and your dentist can provide you with tips on how to prevent additional gum problems in the future.

Please contact us if you have any questions about gingival flap surgery.