Periodontal Grafts Can Help Ease Your Gum Disease Pain

What Does Bone Graft Have To Do With Dental Implants TreatmentAlso known as a gingival graft, a periodontal graft is a procedure used to correct receding gums. In a periodontal graft procedure, our professionals will first remove a piece of tissue from healthy gum tissue or from the roof of the mouth. The procedure is typically simple. When you have gum disease, periodontal grafts will go a long way in easing the pain and discomfort.

How Periodontal Grafts Help

In most cases, periodontal grafts, like gum grafts, are used to prevent bone loss and stop the process of gum recession. These procedures can also help reduce tooth sensitivity, prevent the possibility of tooth decay, and ensure you have a leveled and even gum line. When you have receded gum tissues, you are more likely to notice the color difference between the tooth enamel and tooth roots. The surface of your tooth root is softer than the tooth enamel, meaning the gum tissue does not protect it. This increases the risk of root decay. However, by undergoing a gum periodontal graft procedure, the recession is halted, reducing the possibility of tooth loss. As a result, you will experience less pain when suffering from gum disease.

Apart from the gum graft procedure, there are also other types of periodontal graft procedures that will help reduce pain. For example, the connective tissue graft is very helpful in keeping your gums in good shape. During this procedure, our professionals will take an underlying connective tissue from the roof of your mouth and stitch it over the exposed roots. This will help reduce tooth sensitivity and, as a result, a more comfortable condition. This procedure also helps prevent further advancement of gum disease that could lead to periodontitis. Therefore, periodontal grafts are very important in easing pain. Visit our offices for more information on the benefits of periodontal grafts.